Luxury Rose & Lily Bouquet
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Luxury Rose & Lily Bouquet
Gift description
A profusion of the finest red roses, striking pink oriental lilies and other romantic blooms in soft pink, cerise and burgundy shades. A stunning modern twist on the classic Valentine's bouquet.
About the bouquet
• It's made up by hand by their local florist
• It'll feature luxury red roses and pink oriental lilies, plus other romantic flowers
• Some of the blooms might be in bud, they'll soon open up
• We guarantee it'll stay fresh for at 7 days, if it doesn't, we'll put it right
About the bouquet
• It's made up by hand by their local florist
• It'll feature luxury red roses and pink oriental lilies, plus other romantic flowers
• Some of the blooms might be in bud, they'll soon open up
• We guarantee it'll stay fresh for at 7 days, if it doesn't, we'll put it right
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